Locking up your cargo bike
Posted on December 5, 2017 at 9:02 pm
How to lock up your cargo bike?
Now that you have the cargo bike you’ve always wanted, you are worried about ensuring it is safely parked away over night and when out and about.
Ideally, the safest option of course is to have your bike parked indoors but for many, this is not possible or simply not practical. Our recommendations are to:
- use a motorcycle type chain or D-lock – essential in addition to a frame lock, and lock it to something robust such as a ground or wall anchor
- Have a frame/wheel lock. Thy are usually on the rear but you could also have one on the front wheel for two wheelers.
- You could also have a cheaper lock between the front wheel and back wheel on a cargo trike. leaving the bike on an slight angle. Making it impossible to carry by one single person and really cumbersome by two.
- insure the bike; we can advise you on which companies offer the best cover. We’ve partnered with Laka.
- hide the tricycle under a full fabric cover, which we can supply
- ask your local authority to provide you and fellow bicycle owners in the area with a lockable bike shelter
- If there is nothing robust enough to attach your bike to, you could either purchase a ground anchor, which we have or make your own. ground anchor by filling in a large flexible plastic bucket with some ready to use concrete and insert an old U-lock in while still soft.
When out and about, Always lock your bike in a busy place with a high quality lock tied to something that is at least as strong as your lock i.e. lamp post or beefy fence. Ensure to lock the frame and wheel if possible.
The idea is to make as difficult as possible to first cut the locks and second to carry the bike.


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