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Innovative and safe cargo bike parking

Posted on June 15, 2015 at 2:00 pm

With the ever growing number of cyclists in the capital, dedicated parking facilities at home and whilst commuting need to be increased considerably and accordingly. Safe and well positioned parking spots are hard to get by in some of the most popular locations especially if you are using them after the morning rush-hour. Trying to find a suitable spot in some of London tube stations has become a real challenge, even more so if you are the proud owner of a cargo bike! Thankfully, help is on its way.

Safe cycling parking facilities are an inherent part of building a great cycle-friendly environment, so we are delighted to announce that we recently worked with the award winning designer of innovative bicycle parking solutions Cyclehoop and tried a clever and unique design dedicated to cargo bike parking. Cyclists will be able use their own lock or chain to secure their precious cargo bikes to stands bolted to the ground. Cyclehoop is in the process of approaching various local authorities in London so look out for these soon.

Cyclehoop edited

One Christiania safely parked!


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