Nihola- Poster

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From £2,690.00


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The Nihola Posterbike is an attractive new platform for outdoor advertising around town. It combines the agile driving qualities of the Nihola cargo bikes with the opportunity to advertise and transport promotional material.

The cylinder can display three A1-size posters. Open the door of the cylinder and you find a space in which you can load up to 100 kg of promotion materials. The cylinder does not in any way obstruct the rider’s view. The Posterbike offers the same stable but agile performance as the other nihola bikes.

“According to our test the nihola was the fastest and easiest to steer cargo bike of all and provided the most pleasant ride….,” so the judgment of the renowned Dutch Association of Cyclists (Fietsbond) concluded in their thorough test of popular cargo bikes.

What’s more, nihola Family is ideally suited for everyday use with smaller children. Any weather can be mastered with its rain hood covering the two-child bench. Increasing numbers of new families have discovered the virtues of nihola bikes. nihola bikes take the kids safely to the nursery, kindergarten or school, they carry all the shopping, and more.
In 1998, mechanical engineer Niels Holme Larsen attended a bike exhibition in the heart of Copenhagen. The following day, a critic from the Danish newspaper Politiken concluded that bicycles would only be able to compete against cars when they could transport two children and groceries at the same time. After having read the review Niels decided to build such a bicycle, which resulted in the now well-known nihola bikes.

Today, 15 years after, nihola develops, produces, sells and provides service on proprietary tricycles for families, Rehab/handicap-, institutional- and commercial use.
The goal and vision of nihola was then to become the market leader and innovator on the Danish market. With more than 10.000 nihola bikes in Copenhagen alone this goal has been fulfilled. The goal and vision is now to stay competitive on the Danish market while obtaining higher market shares in Europe and North America – we currently have dealers in 15 European countries, Canada and the U.S.
In 2008, a German nihola subsidiary was started in Berlin (nihola GmbH) and in 2009, cooperation with French investors regarding a French nihola production began ( Due to two new acquired production facilities West of Copenhagen, it was decided to move the German production back to Denmark as of January 1. 2011. This means that all nihola bikes are hand-built in Denmark, with the exception of nihola bikes for the French and Spanish market.
nihola has eight products, which can be categorized into the aforementioned four product groups.
nihola Family, nihola Dog, nihola Rehab, nihola Low, nihola Flex, nihola BIG, the Posterbike, bikes for the Danish Post and the nihola 4.0, which was introduced in June 2013.
The first three bicycles are based on the nihola Family and are therefore variants of it. nihola Low is specially designed for easy and stable solo riding, while the nihola Flex is a specially designed model for wheelchair users. nihola BIG is the largest model and is primarily used by institutions, as it can transport up to six belted children and the Posterbike is specially designed for advertising and commercial use. The bike for the Danish Post is a furtherdevelopment of the nihola Flex. The nihola 4.0 is especially useful for a bit larger families and institutions.